The Holidays Are Over...Now What?
What a year it was. With history-making events happening all around us, here are 6 simple sanity-saving tips to manage the stress that remains after the holidays are over.
Practice mindfulness
Start with your breath. Regular conscious breathing exercises can elevate your emotional state, help strengthen cardiovascular muscles, lower blood pressure and improve focus and concentration. Try Square Breathing to chill out and de-stress: Inhale for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4. Exhale for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4.
Get physical
Jump into a mood-boosting workout: Running. Yoga. Pilates. Cycling. Spinning. Swimming. Weight training. Hiking. Even just walking provides big health and sanity-saving benefits.
Healthy habits
If you do only one thing this year, make it cutting back on sugar. You probably already know that too much sugar can influence the likelihood of weight gain and Type 2 diabetes. But there’s more. Did you know that sugar contributes to chronic inflammation and causes glycation-the leading cause of skin aging? Less Sugar = Younger Looking You.
Sugar and inflammation are linked to lowering your ability to fight off a cold. And sugar consumption has also been linked to depression. So create a happier you: Lift your mood and lose weight, simply by cutting back or cutting out sugar in your diet. (Credit:
Support system
This is your network of BFF's and family that provide practical or emotional support. A support system will improve your overall health, reduce stress and anxiety and just make you feel good. Add in a mindfulness app like Calm to help you navigate life’s stressors. (Credit:
Interact with animals
Yes, petting your furry friend can actually lower your blood pressure. And your pet likes it, too. A true life-balancing activity.
Create “Me” space
Bedroom, home office or just an out-of-the-way corner. Creating a zone-out zone can help you de-stress, breathe a little deeper and simply let go. A great spot to use that mindfulness app, sip a cup of herbal tea and exhale.
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